Vice President
Bonnie Rich
Marian Knott
Nick Mantzavas
Acceptance and use of the information contained on this web site constitutes an acknowledgement that the user
hereby releases and indemnifies OEBKC, and its officers, directors, members, and agents from any and all liability
and damages sustained by the user as a result of any information obtained from this web site.
Registry Specific
Q... Where can I register my OEB?
A.... The only two acceptable registries for true Olde English Bulldogges are UKC and the American
Rare Breed Association (ARBA). You must first be registered with the OEBKC in order to register with
Q... Why doesn’t the OEBKC recognize any other registries other than the two listed?
A.... A registry is established to record the history and pedigrees of purebred dogs. The main purpose
is to protect the integrity of the purebred bloodlines, accurately record lineage, and to issue credible
registration certificates to dog owners. There are disreputable "registries” that will register alternative
bulldogs as Olde English Bulldogges. These "registries” are nothing more than paper services. In other
words, they are in the BUSINESS of selling registration papers. These papers are worthless, and only
serve to give unscrupulous breeders a way of providing some form of registration to their unsuspecting
puppy buyers. These "registries” are established to make money and they care nothing about
protecting the purity of the pedigrees or the integrity of the breed’s history. They will make claims about
being the world’s largest registry for the Olde English Bulldogge. They also register multiple breeds.
We are aware of an experiment that was conducted by one breeder wherein he named a zoo animal and
submitted the application under the Olde English Bulldogge breed name. His check cleared, and the
animal was registered! Two registries in particular that will register alternative bulldogs under the Olde
English Bulldogge breed name are the Continental Kennel Club (CKC), and the IOEBA. Many of the
organizations calling themselves registries, will not protect a breeder's kennel name. In other words,
they will allow someone to register a dog produced by one kennel under a completely different kennel
name. Some will actually charge a fee to breeders to protect their kennel name. Our breeders are
protected against this unethical behavior. The OEBKC is a not for profit corporation established solely
to promote and perpetuate the original Olde English Bulldogge. The UKC registers the Olde English
Bulldogge. If a breeder tries to sell you an animal that he/she claims is an Olde English Bulldogge, and
that dog is not registered with, nor eligible to be registered with the UKC, it is not an Olde English
Bulldogge. If you have any questions regarding whether or not your selected breeder registers with the
UKC, contact us and we will be happy to assist you.
Q... I currently own an alternative bulldog. Can I breed it to an Olde English Bulldogge and register the
offspring with the UKC
A.... No. The alternative bulldog cannot be traced back to the foundation stock and therefore would not
be eligible for registration with the UKC.
Q... Does the OEBKC protect breeders' kennel names in the registration process?
A... Yes we do! All offspring in a particular litter will always carry the kennel name of the kennel that
produced the litter. It doesn't matter who whelped the litter. It doesn't matter who currently owns the
producing bitch. It doesn't matter if side deals were made between a breeder and a buyer. And, it
doesn't matter how much someone has paid for a dog. The integrity of our breed depends on
maintaining accurate records of lineage. We cannot control what someone calls their dog, or how they
advertise and promote their dog. But, we can control how accurately a dog's lineage is recorded. We
can and will protect breeders at all cost.
Dog Specific
Q... What is the difference between an English Bulldog and an Olde English Bulldogge?
A.... There are many differences. A simplistic look at the two breed’s appearance will lead one to the
conclusion that the Olde English Bulldogge is taller than the English bulldog and much less extreme in
terms of bulliness. The Olde English Bulldogge is also a much healthier animal in that it doesn’t suffer
from the numerous health problems of the English bulldog. The Olde English Bulldogge males are free
breeders and the females are free whelpers. This is in contrast to the English bulldog where in many, if
not most cases the females must be artificially inseminated to conceive, and then must deliver by
Cesarean Section. At the OEBKC we like to say that our dogs are the type of Bulldogges that the kids
can take outside to play in the summertime, while most English Bulldogs must be kept indoors in the
air conditioning. These dogs are much more full of life than English bulldogs. If you are seriously
considering an English Bulldog, be sure to consult a Veterinarian who is familiar with the severe health
issues of the breed. You should also visit the breeder during the middle of a hot day to see the activity
level of their dogs. Buyer beware, research before buying as there are alternatives which closely
represent the English Bulldog and have similar problems!!!
Q... What is the average life expectancy of an Olde English Bulldogge?
A.... While this certainly depends on the care an animal receives such as veterinary care, vaccinations,
exercise and nutrition, a good average would be 11 to 15 years.
Q... Are Olde English Bulldogges easily trained?
A.... Olde English Bulldogge’s are very intelligent and possess a strong desire to please their owners.
Some Bulldogges may exhibit a stubborn streak every now and then, but that’s just a Bulldogge. In a
nutshell, they are really no more difficult to train than any other breed. Find a positive reinforcement
trainer who also applies balance. Bulldogges should never be trained with adversives.
Q... What type of training is recommended for this breed?
A.... This dog requires AT LEAST Basic Obedience. His/her place in the home must be established
early by its owner. Set rules and establish boundaries when your dog is young while continuing
obedience throughout their ife. ANY untrained dogs can be unruly and dangerous.
Q... Why does my dog need a job?
A.... Bored dogs are destructive dogs. If you don't give your dog a job, s/he will find one on their own.
You might not like their choice. Bulldogges are a thinking breed. Our breed is versatile and enjoy
obedience, agility, nose work, therapy work even something as simple as fetching and retrieving!
Q... How well do these dogs get along with children?
A.... These dogs adore children, especially if they have been raised with them. Bear in mind Bulldogges
and can be rough. Just as with any dog, playtime with small children should always be supervised.
Good parenting skills must apply to teach your child to respect every dog. Use a common sense
approach to set bounderies and teach your dog mouth control and manners.
Q... How big will my dog get?
A.... Males should be 17” to 20” tall at the withers and weigh 60 to 80 pounds.
Females should be 15” to 19” tall at the withers and weigh 45 to 70 pounds.
More detailed information regarding the physical structure of the dog can be found by visiting our
Breed Standard page.
Q... Do OEBs make good apartment dogs?
A.... Olde English Bulldogge’s can thrive in apartment life provided that they receive plenty of exercise,
love and attention. If you work 14 hours a day every day, and your dog will be crated during this time,
this is not the breed for you.
Q... How much exercise will my dog require?
A.... These dogs require moderate amounts of exercise. If you are a sedentary person that can’t provide
the dog with moderate amounts of exercise, this is not the breed for you. This dog is very happy to lie
at your feet at night, but they also want to go out and play ball. Remember, they are the healthy and
athletic Bulldogges.
Q... Do Olde English Bulldogge’s get along well with other dogs?
A.... It depends. As with any of the bully breeds, early socialization is the key. The Olde English
Bulldogge does have a tendency toward same-sex dog aggression. They usually do very well with
animals of the opposite sex. There are some things that can be done to try to minimize problems. First,
all non breeding stock should be sterilized. Second, be certain that dogs of the same sex are at least
one year apart in age. Third, introduce the Olde English Bulldogge as a puppy, not as an older dog. To
summarize, it is not advisable to bring an Olde English Bulldogge into a situation where he/she will
reside with a member of the same sex, who is of similar age and has not been sterilized.
Q... What venues are available if I want to show my Olde English Bulldogge?
A.... We support the United Kennel Club, American Rare Breed Association and Kennel Club USA
conformation show events. These organizations offer a credible path to obtaining a legitimate
Championship title for your dogs. There are also independent weight pull competitions as well as
obedience and agility trials. The OEBKC is working diligently to open additional venues to show the
Olde English Bulldogge.
Q... Can Olde English Bulldogges be used in weight pull activities?
A.... Yes, with proper training and conditioning, they perform quite well. The OEBKC supports weight
pull as long as it is done in a responsible, humane way that is both healthy and enjoyable for the dog.
We do NOT support changing the form of the dog in order to excel in this activity.
Q... Do Olde English Bulldogges make good watch dogs?
A.... Olde English Bulldogges are very capable dogs. They perform the duty of watch dog very well.
That is, they are very tuned in to their families. They are very adept at alerting their families when
something is not quite right so that appropriate action may be taken.
Q... Do Olde English Bulldogges excel in Personal Protection training and Protection sports?
A.... We do not recommend nor endorse the Olde English Bulldogge for PP training or Protection
sports. That was not the intended function of the breed, and there are much better choices.
Q... There are many people on the internet and elsewhere calling their dogs Olde English Bulldogges.
How can you call your Olde English Bulldogges the "Original”?
A.... Fortunately for us, history has already been written. It is well documented that the Olde English
Bulldogge was created in the early 1970’s by David Leavitt. Therefore, to be a true Olde English
Bulldogge the pedigree of any particular dog must be traceable back to the Leavitt foundation stock
without any unapproved outcrosses in the lines. It’s really quite simple. We’re not saying that just
because the alternative bulldogs can’t be traced back to the foundation stock that they are bad
bulldogs. We’re saying that they aren’t Olde English Bulldogges. The Olde English Bulldogge name has
been used fraudulently for some time now. The reputable breeders of alternative bulldogs, many of
whom have created some very nice dogs, realized that they shouldn’t be using a name that doesn’t
belong to them or that doesn’t apply to their dogs and then had the integrity to use a different name.
These breeders were also proud enough of their creations that they wanted to assign their own unique
breed name. Unfortunately there are many more breeders that continue to use the name Olde English
Bulldogge name fraudulently simply because it helps them sell puppies. They have accepted the fact
that they falsely use the name. Luckily you have found the home of the true Olde English Bulldogge.
Q... Are Olde English Bulldogges known as "chewers?”
A.... All dogs chew and need to chew. Some Olde English Bulldogge’s tend to chew more than others. It
is important you provide your dog with several suitable strong chew toys to avoid having your hush
puppies eaten. Never leave your Bulldogge unattended with destructible toys to avoid accidental
swallowing and possible obstructions.
Q... Do these dogs slobber profusely?
A.... No. Olde English Bulldogges don’t have a real slobbering problem. The jaw is not undershot as the
and therefore don’t have as much "drainage”. Although, if you’re dressed up to go out for your
anniversary dinner you might not want to stand next to your OEB after a big chug of water.
Q... Are there any special grooming requirements for this breed?
A.... No. A good bath, nails trimmed and ears cleaned is about it. They also love the attention of a good
Q... Do Olde English Bulldogges shed?
A.... Yes. They could be considered moderate shedders.
Q... How much can I expect to pay for an Olde English Bulldogge?
A.... The OEBKC does not set or control prices charged by it’s breeder members.
Club Specific
Q... What are the benefits of joining the OEBKC?
A.... The OEBKC is the ONLY organization in the world dedicated to preserving, promoting and
perpetuating the true Olde English Bulldogge. We have been working diligently to place this breed in its
rightful place in the dog world. There is so much work still to be done. Unfortunately, promoting
anything today has costs associated with it. By providing financial support through your paid
membership, you help to ensure the dedicated efforts of the Olde English Bulldogge Kennel Club will
continue to help the Olde English Bulldogge flourish in a responsible manner. We need your help to
gain the Olde English Bulldogge the worldwide respect and recognition it deserves. As a member you
will have access to the club’s message board, private members-only chat rooms, as well as the OEBKC
newsletter. You will be surrounded by many people that truly love the Olde English Buldogge and have
the breed’s best interest at heart, including knowledgeable breeders that are available to answer your
questions. Please come be a part of the excitement at the OEBKC.
Q... Do I have to be a member to use the OEBKC message board?
A.... No. However, it is only through paid membership that we can continue to provide message boards,
advertising, promotion, web sites, club activities and benefits, and work toward gaining the Olde
English Bulldogge the worldwide respect and recognition it deserves.
Jennifer Lussier